
As we go deeper into 2010, we realise more and more people’s true colours.

What is all this deception ? Grudges surfacing only now, buried last year ?

All because of a. fucking. tee. Why must there be ostracism ?

Maybe you’ll tell me its not ostracising others. It’s just that “they have their own cliques already”, or, “There’s already 20 people”.

The people who are included are the people who you want to be included in only. What about the close friends of those who you invite in? Those who are not invited? I don’t get it. Why the fuck did I even agree to this stupid thing.

If not for her quitting this thing, you wouldn’t even invite L in right? And me? And B?

And what about J? You tell him a bunch of “believable” lies. When its so obvious that you’re feeding everybody a pack of lies.

argh, whatever.

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